Dr. Mark Wieczorek, DMD, PC

Dental Insurance

Information about Dental Insurance

We accept:

All traditional, point-of-service, and PPO dental insurance plans are accepted.

We are a Delaware Medicaid provider. We participate in the Delaware Medicaid program for children and adults under the age of 21.

We do NOT accept:

Dental HMO (DMO) plans are not accepted. Those patients with DMO dental insurance must find a DMO provider to utilize their coverage.

Understanding Your Benefits

When a patient makes an appointment for their first visit, our administrative staff will obtain the specific information of your dental insurance plan. As a courtesy, the staff will do everything they can so you understand the benefits and limitations of your plan. We do not want any financial surprises for you after getting dental treatment. Co-pay estimates are given before your appointments. But ultimately, the patient is fully responsible for payment of the account and understanding your dental insurance plan. Our office will also submit your claims as an added courtesy.

Pre-treatment Estimates

A request for pre-treatment estimate of benefits can be submitted to your insurance company for major dental work. A pre-treatment estimate can help determine co-payments more accurately. Routine dental treatment is generally completed without submitting pre-treatment estimates.